What COVID-19 Stimulus Means To You

Breaking Down the CARES Act As you know, the coronavirus pandemic has created both a health crisis and an economic crisis.  As of this writing, there are over 200,000 US known cases.1  By the time you read this, there will certainly be more – and that number does not reflect those who have been infected…


Let’s Be Grateful

As I’ve been reflecting the past few days, I wanted to share two of my team’s personal experiences as we navigate these unchartered waters. Lesson of Gratefulness AND Sensitivity: I was sitting with a small group of people. One person shared her frustration with her children. She was suddenly forced to homeschool and it had…


No More Quarantine For Me

First, I want to share the good news – no more quarantine! As some of you may have heard, I had a bit of a cold at the beginning of the week. I have made a full recovery. Thank you for all your prayers and well wishes. It never progressed to more than a cough…


Coronavirus Update

We are well aware of the last two day’s market action. It’s painful to say the least. I’m sharing two resources as an update. The first, from a well-known, distinguished economist, Brian S. Wesbury. In part he says (read his full report here), “From a macro-economic point of view, the real question is how will…