Greg Young

Social Security Tipping Point

Three Steps To Take Now Something that caught my eye recently was an article from the New York Times titled “Social Security Is Staring at Its First Real Shortfall in Decades.” In short, the article says that in 2020, Social Security expenses will exceed income and the program will be forced to begin drawing down…

Declaration of Independence

Lincoln’s Inspiring Words

Almost two-and-a-half centuries ago, fifty-six great Americans signed the Declaration of Independence.  It was a document that would change the world, but after the Revolutionary War ended, it languished in relative obscurity for many years.  In fact, to many, the Declaration was merely a simple letter that had served its purpose.  A historical artifact and nothing…

Happy Independence Day!

The team at Wealth Advisors would like to wish you a Happy 4th of July! Whether you are celebrating America’s birthday at the pool, a park or in the backyard, we hope that you enjoy your time with your loved ones. Just a reminder, our office will be closed on Thursday, July 4th; we will…

Greg Young

Are You an Aggressive Growth Investor?

As you know, many people invest in the stock market as a way to save for retirement, secure additional income, or create financial security for themselves and their families.  They strive to “put their money to work” as the saying goes.  This may be a healthy mindset, and for some people, it’s the whole point…

Greg Young

Ways to Avoid Burnout

When it comes to helping people pursue their goals, most financial advisors tend to focus on areas like investing, tax planning, and other money-related topics.  I am no exception.  After all, these things are critically important if you want to save for retirement, start a business, travel the world, or simply leave a legacy for…

Greg Young

Do You Want To Grow AND Protect Your Money?

As a financial advisor, I get the chance to meet new people every day.  Some want help with creating a financial strategy; others just want a second opinion of their investment portfolio.  But regardless of who they are or what they want, pretty much everyone asks me the same question: “How can I grow AND…

Greg Young

Memorial Day – Its Crucial to Remember

Normandy.  D-Day.  Operation Overlord. The events of June 6, 1944 are known by many names, and have been commemorated in countless books, dramas, and documentaries.  You’ve seen the pictures of GIs wading through rough, freezing water onto a murderous, mine-strewn beach.  You’ve heard the stories of those who braved smoke and shell to scale the…

Greg Young

Our Thoughts on the Trade War

New Tariffs 2019 After months of relative quiet, the trade war between the U.S. and China has erupted again in a big way.  The markets are the most immediate casualty, with the Dow plunging over 600 points on Monday alone.1 In all likelihood, you’re probably more focused on things like spring cleaning and your upcoming…

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother’s Day

The Origin of Mother’s Day Did you know that there are more calls made on Mother’s Day than any other day of the year?  It’s true!  Across the US, phone companies deal with the highest volume of calls on Mother’s Day.1 It makes sense. After all, Mother’s Day is a celebration of our most important…