Greg Young

Return to Routine

I hope you’ve had a great summer and are doing well. For us, school and homeschool are back in full swing. That means all the fun of volleyball, soccer, piano and whatever else the kids can convince us to take them to. It’s all good! Getting our family back into a regular routine is good…

Greg Young

Are You 2nd Half Healthy?

I have conversations regularly about how to finance long-term care issues through your 2nd Half.  Given the opportunity, I would much rather have conversations about being healthy and enjoying a long and meaningful 2nd Half. For many, I realize this isn’t always possible. Some I talk to don’t want to enjoy a long 2nd Half.…


Leave It To My Children

Most all of us have either minor children or grandchildren that we want to bless at our death. The question arises regularly whether they should be named as a beneficiary with life insurance, IRA and Roth accounts, 401(k)’s and 403(b)’s and other accounts that have a beneficiary designation. Although this week’s article covers IRAs the…


Equal Doesn’t Mean Fair

Many of you are aware I went through the most difficult and challenging time of my life years ago during divorce. I have a special place in my heart for anyone who is going through this. The process can be devastating, the decisions overwhelming and seeing your children hurting and confused is agonizing. Read about the…

Standing Up

Help: My Knees Are Locked

After writing about how sitting is the new smoking in February and October last year I wanted to try working from a standing desk. About two months ago I got my opportunity when my father-in-law was in town and he helped me build a standing desk over part of my original desk. At first it…


Missing, Empty or Forgotten?

Is your “final file” missing, empty or just forgotten? Sadly, I find most are in some form of neglect. Last week I asked, “How much do you know about your loved one’s financial life?” This week we look at a list to get you prepared. This is one of those things that we all seem…


I’m Sure You’re Prepared? Papers Please. Now!

Easily one of the most frustrating issues is taking care of someone else’s business. Especially when they’re not prepared! This article is a helpful guide on preparing yourself and making sure your loved ones are prepared. Don’t let the nightmares that you hear from others become yours. Get prepared and be prepared. When documents are needed, they’re…


Depending On Your Retirement Pension?

Employers (big and small) are increasingly finding it difficult to maintain the pension benefits offered to so many employees over the years. In the last three years these are just some of the companies that have found the need to make changes in their pensions: AIG Boston Red Sox Washington Post United States Steel Kodak…

Organic Coffee

Coffee Lovers: Organic or Not?

I’ve had many enjoyable cups of coffee with clients and friends through the years. This issue about organic or not has continually resurfaced over time. For me, this issue seems to have become much more prevalent in the last few months. With the latest article that I read this week I’ve made a decision that…

Greg Young

Likely to Kill Us

What are the major risks to our lives compared to some of the major fears in our lives? You’ll be surprised. This article gives an interesting look at what worries us and where we should be focused.   To Your Best 2nd Half,         The opinions voiced in this material are for…