Medicare Help

Need Help?

Every year millions of Medicare beneficiaries are confused about what they should do during the fall annual election period (AEP). You will see the onslaught of television ads and mail in your mailbox, but I know it’s confusing whether the election period applies to you or if you need to take any action. The AEP…

Greg Young

Why Retirement?

Whose Idea Was Retirement?   According to Dr. William Osler, a prominent physician at John’s Hopkins University, “men over 60 were completely useless to society because of their inelastic minds.”(1) Dr. Osler made his proclamation in 1905 … before AARP! So, just whose idea was retirement anyway? In pre-industrial America, retirement did not exist. Ancient…

9/11 In Remembrance

9/11 Tribute to One of the Many Heroes

Yesterday marked the 18th anniversary since the September 11 attacks.  While none of us will ever forget the horror we felt that day, I think there’s another emotion that’s even stronger: inspiration.  If you were to collect every instance of heroism and bravery displayed that day, and read just one per year, you’d still be…

Greg Young

2 Reasons We Fail To Reach Our Goals

There are certain habits and behaviors that, while not directly related to finance, can spell the difference between reaching your goals or not. Applying certain lessons makes working towards your goals both easier and more rewarding. There is a lesson to be learned from the farmer’s story below. Once there was a farmer who woke…

Greg Young

This is Not 2008

Recession Worries Are Overblown At This Point If you ask an economist what makes them toss and turn at night, chances are they’ll tell you, “Fear of missing the warning signs of a recession.”  After all, for anyone who studies the economy for a living, few things could be worse than a sudden economic slump…

Greg Young

Managing Your Most Precious Asset

It may sound strange to hear a financial advisor say this but achieving the things you care about most requires more than just money.  There are certain habits and behaviors that, while not directly related to finance, can spell the difference between reaching your goals or not. For many of you, your goals have become…

Moon Landing

Celebrating 50 Years!

July 20th is Neil’s 50th anniversary. “Who is Neil?” you ask. “Why should his anniversary matter to me?” As a boy, Neil moved around a lot, living in 16 towns. He was only the second person in his family to attend college. He attended Purdue University and received average grades. He served in the Navy…

Greg Young

2nd Quarter Review

The US women’s national soccer team has just won their second consecutive World Cup championship, the American League edged out the National League in the MLB All-Star game, and Tour de France is now under way, three sure signs that we are in the prime days of summer. While most of us generally think of summer…