Greg Young

Good Night Kiss

It’s been said that checklists are a great way to simplify a complex task. They help you do everything that needs to get done. They keep you organized. They ensure nothing gets skipped or forgotten. With that in mind, I’d like to share a very important checklist with you: The “Thanks, Mom” Mother’s Day Checklist…

Greg Young

Surprise Money!

Hopefully you’ve survived Tax Day and looking for some good news? I have a quick tip that might give you some hope and fun. Every year I suggest that you search the online government databases for any possible unclaimed assets.  It’s quick and only takes five minutes. A couple years ago I found some old…

Greg Young

The Date Has Changed

Instead of April 15 as the final day for taxes to be completed and postmarked (or e-filed), this year it’s Tuesday, April 18. And it’s all because of a little-known holiday in Washington. Tax day is pushed to the next business day if April 15 falls on a Saturday or Sunday. But this year, tax…

Greg Young

Everybody LOVES Spring Break

It’s Spring Break in Colorado Springs and I’ve been reflecting on the “holiday” called Spring Break this week. I grew up in Virginia and I don’t remember ever having a “Spring Break” during my grade school and high school years. I do remember having Good Friday and the Monday after Easter off. We always looked…

Greg Young

Always Devastating – Never Easy

Many of you are aware I went through the most difficult and challenging time of my life, years ago, during divorce. I have a special place in my heart for anyone who is going through this. The process can be devastating, the decisions overwhelming, and seeing your children hurting and confused is agonizing. There are…

Greg Young

5ive Chapters – You’re In One

You’re 2nd Half is just ahead of you. Are you ready? If you’re IN your 2nd Half, is it what you hoped for? There are phases or chapters as you prepare and live through your 2nd Half. Being prepared and clear on your expectations for each chapter is critical to your success. I’ve seen those…

Greg Young

Is a Market Bubble Building?

Tuesday night President Trump spoke to a joint session of Congress and said, “The stock market has gained almost $3 trillion in value since the election on November 8, a record.” I’m not the fact checker, however it is true that we’ve seen an unprecedented rise (unexpected for many) in the market. In the last…

Greg Young

Are You a Document Hoarder?

We all have filing cabinets and boxes of statements and records that we retain … “just in case”.   I cover 22 different types of documents and how long you should keep each. Read more… When I started in the 80’s the permanent copy was only the paper copy. We had a file room dedicated only…