Greg Young

Merry Christmas On $5 Per Month

The average Social Security recipient will get a $5 raise next year. Yes, a whopping $5 per month. In 2017, Social Security’s mean monthly benefit is projected to rise – from the current $1,355 – by this scant amount, all because of low yearly inflation measured by the federal government. Here’s our last 5 years…

Greg Young

Will You Ever Retire?

Why stop working if you’re healthy and enjoying what you’re doing? A majority of boomers expect to work in their sixties and seventies, and that expectation may reflect their desire for engagement rather than any economic desperation. Baby boomers realize that their retirements may not unfold like those of their parents. New survey data from…

Greg Young

The Secret Shame Haunting America

I’m grateful that most of the folks that I meet with are comfortably on their way to retirement or comfortably in retirement. I came across an article recently that reminded me of a number of conversations I’ve had over the years though. I hear stories of children (and grandchildren) that struggle financially. The article confirms…

Greg Young

The Solopreneur Strategy

When we look at the “Smart Money Ladder” there are only two choices at the very top. This is one of them. If you are solopreneur this is an option well worth considering. If you find yourself as a solopreneur (even part-time) you should look at the potential of the Roth Solo 401(k). If you…

Greg Young

Are You Ready?

If you’ve experienced the passing of a loved one and become an executor (or personal representative) you know well the long list of issues that have to be confronted. If not, the article below will give you a head start. Depending on your family, estate, desires or other reasons the list may be longer for…