Greg Young

Tools to Use: TOD, JTWROS

These tools if used properly can make a huge difference to your heirs and estate plans. TOD, JTWROS…what do these obscure acronyms signify? They are shorthand for transfer on death and joint tenancy with right of survivorship – two designations that permit automatic transfer of bank or investment accounts from a deceased spouse to a Read…

Greg Young

Grief, Loneliness, and Losing a Spouse

When a spouse passes away, the emotion and magnitude of the loss can send our lives reeling. I’ve seen it many times. I’ve watched spouses who are prepared and those who aren’t. It’s rarely easy. Many of us may have watched our parents or grandparents experience this dramatic change. This profound change can affect us…

Greg Young

How Much Can You Spend?

You may have heard that people spend less once they are retired. Statistically, that is true. The question is whether a retiree has enough income to meet his or her expenses. From my experience there really is not a norm. It can go either way. Here’s the latest… To Your Best 2nd Half,      …

Greg Young

Friday Game Changer – It’s Gotta Change

Friday’s inauguration will mark another great opportunity for possible change in our country and the lives of millions. I’m excited! Here are some interesting trends and possibilities I’m thinking about. I’m hopeful we’ll all see some greatly needed change. Confidence surveys have soared since the election (Conference Board’s highest level since 2003). I hope this…

Greg Young

Reversals at Social Security – Again

We heard this week that Social Security will be pulling another reversal. Again they are going to stop sending statements to some age 60 or older. This decision has now been changed three times since 2011! What is clear is that you need to make sure you are monitoring your Social Security benefits. We found…

Greg Young

30 Is Not The Same Anymore

It’s amazing how times have changed over my lifetime. Now that I have adult children I look back on how things were when I was growing up. We’ve all hoped that our children and each generation would do a bit better than the preceding one. The Census Bureau has released data showing that on several…

Jenn Strehlow

Welcome to the Team

Meet the newest member of the Wealth Advisors team, Jenn Strehlow. Cathy and I are excited to have her on board. Jenn will be helping in a number of capacities. Many of you will talk with her when scheduling appointments. She grew up in Colorado Springs, is a graduate of the University of Colorado (UCCS)…

Greg Young

Did You Make This Mistake?

Calling each of these “mistakes” may be a bit harsh. Not all of them represent errors in judgment. Yet whether they result from ignorance or fate, we need to be aware of these as we plan for and enter your 2nd Half. Retirement may be a lot sweeter if you get these right. Read more……

Greg Young

20 Minutes to Happiness

I recently ran across this article on happiness and thought this excerpt was a great reminder. Researchers at the University of Vermont found that aerobic training of “moderate intensity,” with an average heart rate of around 112 beats a minute–elevated, sure, but it’s not like they were hammering away — improved participants’ mood for up…