secret to good health

A Secret to Good Health

One of my greatest pleasures is a long walk with Angela. There are so many benefits to walking.  Here are just a few: Walking is inclusive – almost everyone can do it! The necessary equipment is right down there. Two feet and your neighborhood.  It’s the foundation for good health and makes life better.  It modestly…

Social Security is changing forever

Social Security is changing forever! Social Security is changing forever. You may have seen in the news that the 2016 Federal budget bill was passed by Congress last week and signed by the President (The “Bi-Partisan Budget Act of 2015”). Quietly embedded in this major legislation were provisions concerning Social Security that now have become…

Social security benefits

Social Security Benefits and You!

Social Security Benefits and YOU? As you approach retirement and your best 2nd Half, one thing you will need to carefully plan for is your Social Security benefits. It is hard to emphasize enough the importance of deciding when to file for your Social Security benefits. Choosing the right Social Security strategy AND coordinating that…

Our strategy

From time to time I get calls from folks concerned about current events and how they might impact the financial markets and in particular, their investments. There are many factors that impact the financial markets, and in particular the price of securities. No one can know with any level of certainty the impact that one…

New Logo, Same Focus

New Logo, same focus (actually, better focus) If you’ve been to our website lately you may have noticed some changes… and you’ll be seeing more in the coming weeks. A little over a year ago we rolled out 2nd Half Wealth. At Wealth Advisors, it’s always been about the 2nd Half (some read as retirement). We’ve…

Baseball and Your Investment Game Plan

Baseball and your investment game plan Spring is here and baseball season is upon us.  In the majors, activity still occurs in the off season, as baseball veterans decide to hang up their cleats or re-ignite their careers with a new team.  Baseball “experts” pontificate about which team will prevail in the play-offs. This always…

Cyber Security

With recent high-profile cyber-attack events in the news, you may be wondering about the security of your personal information and finances. We recognize that you have entrusted us with your personal information and finances, and we value this trusting relationship with you. We want to reassure you that Wealth Advisors and LPL Financial takes cyber-security…

About Greg Young

“…at one point I wondered if I was normal” Thanks for stopping by.   A great thing about my job is I get to do two things I love – talk shop and hear what’s on people hearts.  Both are essential in helping to plan a great 2nd half. For those who don’t know me, I wanted to…