
Retirement Practice

I’ve always been an advocate of “practicing retirement” if at all possible. Before you tell the boss this is your last paycheck or selling the business you might consider taking time to practice retirement. Take some extended time from work and spend most of it at home. If you’re married, are the two of you…

My Last Wish

A HUGE Tragedy

By now you’ve probably heard that Prince died without a Will. This is a mistake that most all of us would regret (and especially our heirs) if we made the same decision. The consequences can be utter disaster. Here are some other notables that have made the same poor decision: Michael Jackson, Pablo Picasso, Howard…


Get On The Bandwagon

Tax season may be over and forgotten (gladly), however if you’re not on the Roth bandwagon yet, this is for you.  If you don’t have a Roth you should strongly consider one. There are some very attractive benefits.  If you do have a Roth continue to contribute (if you can).  See my article and call…

Dishwasher Blues

Our dishwasher went out last week. That’s OK we expected it could happen soon and Angela has been waiting for an upgrade. ? We found a ‘great deal’ on a nice Samsung dishwasher that had just been returned. Since the boys and I are always fixing things around the house, and I had installed the…

Take The Money

Take The Money

Your 401(k) or 403(b) accounts can be a valuable investment! From time to time I continue to find folks that have missed taking the match (or chosen not to take it) from their 401(k) or 403(b) account. Many employers offer a matching program of some type allowing you to receive a matching contribution on a…

Don't Miss the Deadline

15 Days Left

  Social Security is changing. The deadline is April 29, 2016.   You’ll remember that Congress and the President changed some of the Social Security rules last November. Here are the changes in a nutshell: “File and Suspend” strategy eliminated – The filing deadline is April 29, 2016 if you still need to use this.…

Don't Quit Before the Whistle Blows

Stay in the Game

Do you ever feel something is too hard? Or won’t be worth it in the end? How many times have you quit to find out later you should have stayed with it and not given up? I’m sure it’s happened to all of us. We’ll probably all be tempted to quit on something again in…


Can I Make It?

“Can I make it?” is the most often question I’m asked. It comes in different flavors too… Can I really make it? Will I run out of money? Do I have enough money to retire? Can I retire? What happens if I run out of money? I’ve saved for 30, 35, 40 years. Is it…

Flame, Heat, Warmth

Over The Top Service

About two weeks ago our furnace started to not light all the time. I wasn’t sure I wanted to use the same folks that serviced it before so I called a couple of friends for recommendations. I got busy during the week and didn’t get to make the call until Saturday morning. The call was…

Exciting Times

 This time of year is always exciting- We’ve changed the clocks, the days are longer and the kids are able to play outside after dinner. The trees are budding and little green shoots are popping out of the ground everywhere. Over the next 5 to 6 weeks we wonder IF we’ll get that ever possible…