Wealth Advisors

New Season – New Look!

You’ve probably noticed that we have a new logo…nothing has changed around here – same address, same phone, same service…just ready for some REVIVAL! We thought it was a good season for it! Also thought we would put more emphasis on 2nd Half, as we are truly building your “2nd Half”. For some of us…

IRA Partner IRS

13 Tools You’ve Never Heard Of

What Do All These Terms Mean? I’ll buy you lunch, if you know before reading each of these, what they mean and what they do. I’m astounded at what the Fed can do (and is doing). What are all the tools the Federal Reserve have at their disposal or even worse, what tools have they…

3 Misconceptions

3 Big Misconceptions

Some investors are finding it confusing to decipher all the information circulating regarding Coronavirus financial relief. Clients and friends have been asking questions. I’ve found there is much misinformation out there – all creating confusion. I want to address three big misconceptions we are seeing. This IRA and 401(k) option could lead to a very…

Happy Mother's Day

Motherhood Behind the Scenes

Think about any profession or business.  Chances are, much of the real work gets done when there’s no one else around to see.  Grocery stores do most of their stocking after hours.  Teachers do their grading and lesson prep after students go home.  Doctors conduct research and scrutinize test results before the sun comes up;…

Homemade Masks

Are You A Helper?

“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers.  You will always find people who are helping.’” – Fred Rogers How are you?  I hope you are safe and well. Every day, we’re beset with new headlines and social media…

Awake at Night

Are You Staying Awake At Night?

Even in normal times, 65% of Americans lose sleep over their finances.1 As you know, these are not normal times. The coronavirus pandemic has upended daily life for most people in this country.  It brought a swift and sudden end to the longest-running bull market in history, and while the markets have recovered somewhat in…

Greg Young

NEW Strategy, Deadlines and Changes

You may be aware of the myriad of rules and deadlines that have been changed. I thought I would give you a brief list to peruse. If there’s a strategy or change you think we should pursue, call me. Contribution Deadlines Postponed The deadline has been postponed to July 15, 2020 for the following contributions: Tax…


Important Provisions of the CARES Act

Breaking Down the CARES Act As you know, the coronavirus pandemic has created both a health crisis and an economic crisis.  As of this writing, there are over 200,000 US known cases.1  By the time you read this, there will certainly be more – and that number does not reflect those who have been infected…


What COVID-19 Stimulus Means To You

Breaking Down the CARES Act As you know, the coronavirus pandemic has created both a health crisis and an economic crisis.  As of this writing, there are over 200,000 US known cases.1  By the time you read this, there will certainly be more – and that number does not reflect those who have been infected…