North Korea

Fire and Fury – North Korea

There once was a time when the threat of nuclear war hung over America’s head like a storm cloud that just wouldn’t go away. Those days, thankfully, are long over—but the sky turned a little bit grayer in the last couple weeks. As you probably know, tensions have surged recently thanks to news that North…

Greg Young

Newton’s 3 Laws #2

Last month, I introduced Newton’s Laws of Finance.  They’re my spin on Newton’s famous “Laws of Motion” that you probably learned about in school. This month, let’s look at Newton’s Second Law.  Here’s how a textbook might describe the original: The acceleration of an object as produced by a net force is directly proportional to…

Greg Young

Newton’s 3 Laws #1

When you were in school, you probably learned about Newton’s Three Laws of Motion. First published by Sir Isaac Newton in 1687, these laws explain how physical objects move. They are so important—and easy to understand—that most of us still remember them even decades later. I was thinking about these laws the other day when…

Greg Young

Learn From The Caged Bird

A singing bird was confined in a cage which hung outside a window, and had a way of singing at night when all other birds were asleep. One night, a bat came and clung to the bars of the cage. The bat asked the bird why she was silent by day and sang only at…

We The People


RESOLVED That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States. So said the resolution presented before the Second Continental Congress on June 7, 1776. The Revolutionary War was already raging, but this simple statement set wheels turning that changed forever the lives of two men whose fondest dream was to have…

Greg Young

By Order of the President

This month we celebrate Father’s Day. It’s a chance to show our fathers, grandfathers, great grandfathers, and also men who serve in the role of fathers how much they mean to us. A chance to show how their hard work, sacrifice, and commitment have paid off. A chance to recognize good fathers everywhere. But what…

Young Family at Disney

Graduation, Disney, Beach

Thanks to many of you for your patience over the last 10 days while I’ve been out of the office. We’ve enjoyed a high school graduation, Disney and the beach. John graduated from Colorado Springs Christian and is moving on to new opportunities. He’s been working at Domino’s since early this year. He’s doing well…

Three Died, Three Came Back

During this Memorial Day holiday, may we remember all those who have died in defense of the freedoms that we enjoy every day. The following story took place in the fall of 2000, and I thought I’d share it with you in honor of this special day. Perhaps share it with your family before dinner.…

Greg Young

Good Night Kiss

It’s been said that checklists are a great way to simplify a complex task. They help you do everything that needs to get done. They keep you organized. They ensure nothing gets skipped or forgotten. With that in mind, I’d like to share a very important checklist with you: The “Thanks, Mom” Mother’s Day Checklist…