Even if it just seems like you’re “just doing your job”…
We have so many first responders and others to be grateful for. So many put their lives at risk and later say, “I was just doing my job.” When I heard this story, I knew I wanted to share it with you.

When a Utah highway patrolman named Ruben Correa conducted a routine traffic stop early one morning, he didn’t think he was about to experience a scene straight out of a movie.
The sun wasn’t even up yet when Correa received an urgent notification: A car had driven off the freeway and crashed through a fence. But that wasn’t even the worst bit. Watch Here
The reason I share this story with you, is because one of the biggest things that the Corona Virus has taught me is to be more appreciative of the things in life that most of us take for granted.
One thing we often take for granted is the professionalism, and heroism, of the men and women tasked with keeping our communities safe. Before COVID, how often did we think of our police officers, our highway patrol, our firefighters, our emergency medical technicians, and other first responders. We don’t often appreciate that, at any given moment, they might be required to risk life and limb with only seconds to act.
And that, in those seconds, they are “just doing their jobs.”
So, I want to change that. I want to spend a little more time thinking about all the people who work, often behind the scenes, to make our communities worth living in. The people who, when they watch a dramatic scene unfold in the theaters, can say, “Been there, done that.”