States, who cannot print money, are requiring more and more revenue as they fall further behind in retiree pension and health care requirements. It is highly likely that state and local taxes will have to be raised even further.
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Some states only have 10 percent of the money they need to provide promised benefits. I actually believe there are states that will have to file for bankruptcy.
See more in the State Data Lab’s article, Colorado received a grade of ‘D’ and is currently ranked 27th. 

The website also shows the 75 largest cities in America. Sixty-three of the largest cities in America do not have enough money to pay their bills.
If these entities, the federal government, the states and the cities need more money in the future.
- Will they get that money from Americans who don’t have any money (which is around 90 percent) or
- Will they get the additional revenue from the 10 percent who do have money?
Do you want to be in control of how much they take, or do you want the government and the Internal Revenue Service to be in control? Who will be more considerate of your situation? Taxes are going up!!
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