We all have filing cabinets and boxes of statements and records that we retain … “just in case”. I cover 22 different types of documents and how long you should keep each. Read more…
When I started in the 80’s the permanent copy was only the paper copy. We had a file room dedicated only to file cabinets! I remember the first fax machine during that period. The thermal paper on rolls couldn’t be trusted since it eventually faded (and sometimes too soon). Later as personal computers became more popular they still couldn’t be trusted to safely hold a ‘permanent’ copy.
Now we suggest that the permanent copy is no longer the hard copy but your electronic copy or scanned copy. Storage costs are minimal now and if you were so inclined you could keep and access reams of documents on your person by USB or phone.
If you haven’t ‘turned off’ the reams of paper we send I suggest you do that. The documents are always available online. You can start here. If you have any problems call Cathy and she’ll assist.
And, don’t forget to check on 22 different types of documents and what you should do with them.
To Your Best 2nd Half,