The end of the year will be here in less than 60 days. I will have conversations with many of you between now and then. Here are 11 of my normal year-end questions we cover. Not all will apply to you. Some of you will have others specific to your situations.
- Are my estimated tax payments current?
- Should I make a Roth or IRA contribution before year-end?
- What about my RMDs this year?
- Should I take more than my RMD?
- For those 70 and older, should I do a QCD?
- What is the cost basis of my investments? Should I take losses or gains before year-end?
- How do I maximize my charitable contributions?
- Should I donate stock this year?
- Do you need more money next year than we’re sending you?
- Do you anticipate any larger than normal expenses in 2022?
- Should I be giving money to family this year?
Any of these ring a bell? If so, let’s find time to talk soon. Send us an email and we’ll get you scheduled for a quick call.